Life is in the BEING....not in the DOING. We mentally agree to that with a huff and a puff and a rebuttle of, "Yeah, but you should see my schedule!"
Never have enough time? Always running from task to task? Desiring to scream, "STOP!! I want to get off!" but can't find your voice - or the time to do it?
You can schedule time for you! You are in charge of the schedule you make and there is time in every day for you, if you'll reevaluate life! What do you believe you're here for? To Do? To accomplish? To complete tasks? To 'get it all done' -- only to find that it needs to be redone again the next day or a week later?
IF you're really tired of it all --- and I mean REALLY --- you CAN change your life! Cont'd Life is in the “Being” – Not the “Doing” by Donna Watkins