Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Change

Our financial systems are collapsing because the old ways no longer work ~ and they will continue to be chaotic until we create a system that is for the highest good of ALL involved. Separation consciousness, elitism, and control through fear is an old paradigm that is disintegrating before our very eyes.

The same thing is happening within our lives ~ and we will continue to move through one Christ-is (crisis) after another until we finally surrender to our spiritual self and make the changes within our lower being that will catapult us into a higher level of consciousness and expansion of our true BEING.

The change ~ the shift in consciousness ~ is upon us. We can resist the process, which will create an enormous amount of discord within our being, or we can learn to let go ~ going with the flow, knowing that whatever arises is simply the catalyst for a deeper level of healing that will transform us into the en-light-ened beings we truly are.

These are exciting, transformational is truly an honor for each one of us to be here to participate in the dissolvement of the old and to have the privilege to help co-create the NEW.