Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love On Others More Today

Seems like the days, months, by with each blink of an eye. Some moments can never be re-lived. We are busy. We are multitasking, un-clearly focused, or attentive. We are constantly working, building, & planning for the future in a rush. Then suddenly without realizing, we have become "BLIND" to the beautiful "present" positives right in front of us. Before you know it, opportunities & moments YOU could have created that positively impact your life & that of others has long passed. Today we are one day older. Yesterday is gone. More than half a year has passed. So when it seems like days are suddenly flying by...remember to STOP. Absorb what's around you. Take it in...fully focused on the positive. Create special moments with those you love. Capture them slowly in your mind. We can work fast, make money, buy things, get things done, but what we end up valueing most in the end when years have meaningful experiences, feelings, & memories with those whom we love. Nothing else. Stop. Be grateful. Love on others more today.Simply Positive