Saturday, September 24, 2011

YOU matter. YOU are LOVED.

Past experiences are there to inspire me, if not teach me important lessons. If I do look back, I look back with a smile. I laugh. I do my best to let go no matter how hard, it's only hard if I think it's hard.

Perception is my weapon against attachment. I achieve what I perceive. I receive what I perceive.

I will not wallow in a harsh or unpleasant situation or I will end up getting trapped there. I will move. I will not remain in a frozen state.

The future- I won't even worry about it, I have no power to foresee it, nor do I have the right to predict, and even if I did I wouldn't waste time on it. That will only bring me further away from where I should stand, in the present moment... 


BELIEVE ~You are a beautiful being of God. YOU have come to this lifetime to BE... love, GIVE love and RECEIVE love. YOU have the ability to make a Difference. YOU will make a difference just by choosing to Be Compassionate, Be Kind and Be Present for another being - human or animal. You make a HUGE Difference... YOU matter to the rest of us and YOU are LOVED.