Whether speaking, writing, or singing, we each have a voice. Our own way of communicating. Our Spiritual voice shines thorough from within. It may be with gestures, for some it may be with our eyes or sign language; how fast and how intense... is it done and accompanied with face and eyes to get the point across. Our present state of life is always evolving, cultivating growth, gaining new perspective into others. "There but for the grace of God go us." I was told as a child. I know I AM others...God / Spirit/ The Divine is all. There is so separateness. My voice is raspy, I have never been good at whispering, my laughter loud and joyous, I am open to spirit and grateful.
The voice is a mirror of our being, of our state of life. Our voice forthrightly reveals our true character, our cultivation as a human being. Our voices are ourselves.
Daisaku Ikeda Buddhist Philosopher